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Bosnian pie -burek :)

 Burek kažu pravi :)

ngredients6 persons

350 gr flour
1 egg
3 gr of salt
150 ml of water
50 ml of oil

Meat weight
500 gr of minced beef
100 ml of hot water
1 red cap
1 black white harbor
10 gr of salt
3 gr of pepper




Mix lightly with all these ingredients and begin to cook the dough.

Add only half of the dough in the batter and leave the other half to the end. You have two or three minutes.

That bastard can be enough for 6 bureks.

Add the oil to the dough and add the dough to the oil.

Mix the dough on 6 balls or on 3 depending on whether you want to stretch the bark for 2 burek at once or all the special.

Place the dough balls on the plate and cover with a transparent foil.

Leave it to stand for one hour at room temperature and an hour or more in the fridge. Tjesto can also stand you overnight in the fridge.

Meat weight

Mix lightly all the ingredients for the meat.

You can leave a white arch if you do not like his taste.

When you mix well, leave it in the fridge for at least an hour.

Sweeping and spreadingFirstI always develop bark on a cotton bud because it makes it easier to wrap the pile or burek.Flood the flour or the work surface with flour and take out one ball of dough and begin to develop in its own way.I always develop at the beginning with a small swing and then with your hands but you can do it as you wish. When you have only developed a little you can start pulling it out with your hands.I develop one bark because my workstation in the kitchen is very small so if I grow up for two then my bark will fall over the edges of the table. Also, divide the meat into 6 parts or more if you love burek with less meat and begin to slice meat out of the basket.Sprinkle with a little oil, two to three cups, depending on how much you like the fatty burek and wrap the crust lightly by lifting the slice on both sides.Cut the edges if they are too empty and wrap a light burek.SecondPlace the burek in the pan and melt with a little oil and leave it at room temperature for only 10 minutes before baking.Heat the oven to 250 degrees and bakek for 15 minutes depending on the oven.In the end, pour the burek with just a little hot water into which you have just added a cup or about 8 butter. Return to the oven for only one minute to seal.
