Beg (tur: bey - "gentleman") is a title that has traditionally been used for leaders of smaller Turkish tribal groups. In historical documents, many Turkish and Persian leaders have titles beg bey or beigh, and all have the same meaning: leader, elder, prince, officer or chief. The administrative unit or vilayet (tur .: vilayet) in which the fugitive ruled was called beylik, or begora, which roughly implies "emirate" or "principality". Begovi liked the delicious dishes, and the dish below was also named after this title. Begova chorba is one of the stronger soup of chicken or chicken meat with the addition of bamboo or turkey (plants whose leguminous fruits, full of seeds, are used to prepare meals and produce edible oil). Ingredients 400 gr of chicken or chicken 200 gr of root vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery) 50 gr butter 50 gr of flour 20 gr of dried hammers 1 egg yolk 50 mile 1/2 lemon 1 bay leaf a little salt and pepper...